Saturday, November 8, 2008


Our halloween was great and Anthony had a blast! We had all the neighbors over at our house for pizza and then we got the kids dressed and ready to trick-o-treat. We were nice to the dads and let them stand around the court with the candy to hand out so they didn't have to stay at home by themselves.

Uncle Joel giving Anthony a new piece of candy beause Anthony didn't like the first one he gave him...Spoiled!

Pumpkin Andrew and our little Jack-O-Latern and their mommys.

What a cutie! Jack and his Grandma Carrie.

We couldn't believe that they all stood there for a group picture! A miracle! Especially since they are all 3 and under!

Anthony and Connor

Our neighbors and the kids ready to trick-or-treat

Anthony and Connor eating pizza

Arrgg!! Mean pirate Anthony (or as Anthony says "pirape")

Jack and his proud Zia

Mike carving our pumkin at the pumpkin carving block party (yes we love our neighborhood, we look for any reason to have a block party)

1 comment:

Makala said...

These pictures are GREAT!! Anthony looks so cute! Is that him handing back a REESE'S???? Those are my favorite! He can hand those over to me anytime! :-) Looks like a great Halloween! How fun!